How to Make Money on Twitter X 13 Simple Strategies

How to Make Money on Twitter (X): 13 Simple Strategies to Make Serious Profit

You can use Twitter to scroll through the news and stalk your favorite celebrities, or you can learn about Twitter monetization and turn your account into an income stream. Today, we’re going to talk about the latter, and this article will guide you through how to make money on Twitter.

With millions of daily active users, Twitter is a hotbed of opportunities to make money and connect with others.

Whether you’re a freelancer, business owner, student, or stay-at-home Mom, if you start using your Twitter profile the right way, it’ll start rewarding you instead of just draining your time.

Let’s get started!

How to Make Money on Twitter

how to make money on Twitter

While making money on Twitter is possible, it’s definitely not easy.

You will have to put time and effort into the platform before you start seeing any returns.

But once you have a decent number of Twitter followers, you can use the following tactics to make money online.

1. Build an Email List

Are you a blogger or business owner looking to build your email list? Or maybe you’re new to email marketing and want to start an email list to promote affiliate products to.

Either way, a Twitter account is one of the best places to reach more people and build your email subscriber numbers.

And it’s pretty simple to do. Follow these steps:

  • Sign up for an email autoresponder such as AWeber or Mailchimp
  • Create a landing page with a lead magnet to entice sign-ups
  • Add the link to your email list in your Twitter profile
  • Promote your email list link daily under your Tweets, telling your followers the benefits of signing up

With a little time and encouragement, your Twitter followers will start to move onto your email list.

Once you have them there, you can send out weekly emails and make money promoting your own products or affiliate marketing products you’re partnered with.

2. Drive Traffic to Your Blog

Another great way to monetize Twitter and increase website traffic is to direct your Twitter followers to your blog or business website.

When they click through to your site, you can promote your own e-books or video courses. And you can make money promoting affiliate products and from advertising revenue.

After writing new blog posts, you can promote these to your Twitter audience.

Or, if a blog post relates to a Tweet you’ve written, you can link to it in the first message space under the Tweet, telling your followers to ”Click Through for More Information” on the subject.

If you’re new to blogging, you can learn how to start a blog and get it up and running pretty quickly.

Plus, take a look at the Authority Site System for a little extra guidance and step-by-step instructions on how to build a site that makes money.

Check out this Authority Site System review for more details.

3. Post Sponsored Tweets

how to make money on Twitter

Sponsored tweets are another top way to make money from your Twitter account.

These types of Tweets are ones that a business, brand, or person pays you to post, and they’re a win/win for both sides, as you get money and the brand gets new eyes on their products and services.

The amount of money you can charge will depend on a few factors, such as:

  • How many Twitter followers you have
  • How much engagement your account gets

And there are different types of contracts you can negotiate. For example, some businesses may pay you a flat fee, and others may pay you according to how many clicks and/or conversions your Twitter post produces.

To find brands who might want to pay you for sponsored tweets, you can contact companies directly or sign up to influencer sites like:

This company connects top brands with Twitter accounts that have a matching audience.

All you need to do is fill out a free profile, and you’ll be contacted when industry-leading brands want to work with you.

4. Profit from Ticketed Spaces

how to make money on Twitter

Another way to use Twitter to make money is by hosting ticketed spaces.

Twitter Spaces allows you to charge followers for exclusive access to live audio experiences that you host on the platform.

They’re visually interactive, allowing Space listeners to post emojis showing what they think about a speaker’s comments.

It’s up to you what you charge listeners to join your Twitter Space, but this can range from $1, up to $999!

Follow these steps to make money using Ticketed Spaces:

  • Click on the + icon from your iOS or Android device
  • Click on the Ticketed Spaces Tab
  • Create your space by detailing what you want to talk about and the topics
  • Choose your audience, e.g. selected people or everyone
  • Next, you can choose to have your Space recorded so it can be shared with others at a later date
  • Start your Space immediately or choose to record it at a later date
  • Make sure your payment details are linked to your Spaces account so you can get paid

5. Build a Community

Starting your own niche community is one of the best ways to monetize your Twitter traffic.

Communities are places where like-minded people get together to discuss and learn about a certain topic.

A few ideas include fitness, nutrition, affiliate marketing, how to get Twitter followers, blogging success, parenting tips, gaming secrets, or anything else.

And, if you position yourself as an authority on a subject with your Twitter content, you can get people to pay a monthly subscription to be in your community.

Even having 100 members paying $4 a month (which is very affordable) will make you $400, which is a nice chunk of change!

Here’s how to do it:

  • Set up your community on either Telegram or Discord
  • Determine your community rules and regulations
  • Add a description that new members see on sign-up so they know what to expect
  • Decide what the monthly fee will be to join your community
  • Start promoting your community under Tweets and on your Twitter profile

6. Monetize Content With Twitter Media Studio

how to make money on Twitter

Yet another way to make money on this social media platform is by utilizing Twitter Media Studio.

To use this, you must be a verified Twitter user. To get approved, you must:

  • Be subscribed to Twitter Blue
  • Have a complete Twitter profile with a profile photo and name
  • Be active on Twitter
  • Your account must be at least 90 days old
  • Have a confirmed phone number

Once verified, you can access the Twitter Media Studio and start earning with ads and promotional videos right in your Twitter feed.

7. Create a Subscription Service with Super Follows

The Super Follows Twitter feature has been around since 2021 and lets creators with 10,000+ followers make extra money.

It works by allowing you to create a subscription service where your most engaged followers can pay a monthly fee to access bonus content that only they can see.

A few ideas for exclusive content that people will pay for include:

  • Tutorials
  • Video content
  • Question and answer sessions
  • Personal replies from you

You can charge anything you like, but monthly subscription fees of $2.99, $3.99 or $4.99 tend to work well. And keep in mind that Twitter takes a 3% cut of what you charge.

How to Make Money on Twitter Selling Products

Are you a blogger or creator? Here are a few ideas on how to make money selling products on Twitter.

8. Sell Your Own e-Books on Gumroad


Selling e-books is one of the best ways to make money on Twitter, even as a beginner.

After creating a killer Twitter profile and posting a ton of helpful content, your followers will start to check out what products or services you have to offer.

E-books are easy to create, and once you have yours ready, follow these steps to sell them on Twitter:

  • Sign up for a free Gumroad account
  • Upload your e-book content to Gumroad, write a description, and set your sale price
  • Add links to your e-book on your Twitter account profile
  • Link to your e-book in the comment section of related posts and threads
  • Ask affiliate marketers to promote your e-book in exchange for a cut of the sale
  • Let prominent Twitter accounts read your e-book for free in exchange for good reviews to boost trust and get more sales

With a little time and marketing effort, you can make hundreds or thousands extra each month selling e-books.

9. Create and Sell Your Own Video Courses

After seeing success selling e-books, you can make more money by turning the same content into video tutorials.

All you need is a decent camera and microphone, plus a quiet space to shoot your video classes in. Once you have your video content edited and ready, it can be uploaded to e-learning platforms such as:

Learn more in this Teachable review.

Your video content can then be linked to your content on Twitter and in your Twitter profile.

You could even use Twitter influencers to help promote your courses in exchange for a fee or a free gift.

How to Make Money on Twitter as a Freelancer

Take a look at how to monetize your Twitter account as a freelancer.

10. Become a Twitter Ghostwriter

Twitter ghostwriter

Has your Twitter content started to get engagement? Are you pretty nifty at writing threads that get noticed and shared?

If so, Twitter ghostwriting could be the best way for you to earn money on Twitter as a freelancer.

Many big brands and businesses know the advantages of building social media accounts but don’t have time to spend doing it themselves.

And, even if they did, they probably wouldn’t know what to write for engagement and when the best time to post would be!

Here’s where you can step in. Start by:

  • Reaching out to businesses or entrepreneurs that sell high-ticket products or services
  • Offer your Twitter ghostwriting services by explaining how you can benefit them
  • If they show an interest, book a call and ask questions like ”What are your goals?”, ”What are your expectations?” and ”Who is your target audience?”
  • Show examples of successful tweets and threads you’ve written, or if you don’t have any, offer to write a handful of Tweets for free and ask your Twitter community to share
  • When they see the results you get, you can charge a monthly fee for writing ”X” amount of Tweets and threads.

11. Design Twitter Banners

If you’re skilled at graphic design, you could make money on Twitter by creating banners for different accounts.

A great Twitter banner creates a visual impact and can be the deciding factor whether someone trusts that person and what they post about.

Get Twitter banner clients by:

  • Direct messaging people detailing how you can help them
  • Tweeting daily content showing off your banner designs
  • Linking to your banner design services in your Twitter profile

12. Account Set Up and Management Services

account set up and management

Many new Twitter users have no idea how to create a follow-worthy profile.

And, as previously mentioned, big brands don’t have time to manage their own accounts themselves.

If you’ve had success with your Twitter account, offering set-up and management services is one of the best ways to make money.

A few services you could offer include:

  • Account set-up and optimization
  • Increasing organic followers
  • Create and post ”X” number of Tweets a day
  • Create and post informative threads relating to an industry or subject
  • Providing an engagement and action plan for growth
  • Full or part-time management services

For these services, you could charge a one-off fee or a monthly rolling fee for continued management.

13. Connect and Engage with New Clients

Not only is Twitter a great place to make money, but it’s also a brilliant place to build relationships and connect with others in your industry.

Whether you’re a freelance writer, freelance web designer, freelance proofreader, or any other type of freelancer, you can find new clients for your business on Twitter.

Make sure that you:

  • Build a professional Twitter profile detailing what you do
  • Choose a high-quality picture and banner
  • Have an easy-to-remember Twitter handle
  • Link to your blog, link card, or Fiverr account where you promote your services
  • Post helpful and interesting content daily related to your industry
  • Reach out and make connections in the DMs
  • Engage with content of people you’d like to work for

Final Thoughts on How to Make Money on Twitter

Those are the proven steps for how to make money on Twitter.

Just make sure you dedicate the time needed to grow your Twitter following, interact with other users, and implement the money-making strategies mentioned.

A few tips for success include:

  • Show up daily
  • Post consistently
  • Add value and don’t just promote
  • Engage with others and build a community

And, with a little time, you’ll be making money on Twitter like clockwork!

Want more ways to earn from your Twitter account?

Take a look at these easy ways to make money with Twitter affiliate marketing.

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