How I Got 144325 Site Visitors from Google Discover in

How I Got 144,325 Site Visitors from Google Discover in 7 Days and Made $X,261

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Want to know exactly how much money you can make in display ad revenue alone from 144,325 visitors to a single article in 7 days?

Well, I’ve been working on a new YouTube video for the last couple of weeks that shares those details and much more…

You see I recently had a single article take off with Google Discover and it got 144,325 visitors in just 7 days!

Watch the Video

Oh, and in this video, I won’t leave you hanging…I share the EXACT article that took off on Google Discover, PLUS I share the exact amount of earnings that all the traffic earned.

The best way to get more traffic from Google Discover? Study what is working well for current sites on Google Discover!

Get my FREE download with 25 Google Discover Article Examples Right Here:

I’m excited to share with you how I got 144,325 visitors to just 1 article in 7 days from Google Discover.

I’ll then share what I found looking into 7 examples of articles crushing it on Google Discover right now.

These title strategies can help you know what’s working really well on Google Discover right now.

Looking for my interview with Kurt Schmidt, founder of

He gets over 20,000,000 visitors a month, with a huge chunk of that coming from Google Discover. Full interview with Kurt Schmidt about Google Discover.

If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe on YouTube!

Oh, and I share all kinds of content and traffic strategies in the Niche Pursuits Newsletter all the time right here.

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