10 Best Blog Advertising Platforms To Help Boost Your Website

10 Best Blog Advertising Platforms To Help Boost Your Website Profits

Blog advertising platforms are ad networks that help publishers put ads on their sites and monetize their blogs. Once you’re in with a blog ad platform, they’ll put advertisements on your blog that display to website visitors, earning you passive income for your blog content.

They are a win-win for publishers and for advertisers.

Publishers get to monetize their websites, and advertisers get to show their content and ads to a target audience.

In our roundup, we put together a list of the best blog advertising platforms for publishers of all sizes. These will work for various sites, from a food blog to a travel blog, finance blog, etc.

Let’s take a look.

10 Blog Advertising Platforms to Make Money Blogging

Selling ad space is a smart way to make money from your blog content. You can earn passive income for your blog and make money doing what you do best, creating content!

Not all blog ad platforms are created equally, though. Read about the various blog advertising platforms and networks that exist to help publishers monetize their content.



Mediavine is first on the list, and is usually one of the top ad platforms bloggers go after when they get sizeable traffic.

This is a great fit for lifestyle bloggers in the niches we shared above like lifestyle, food, travel, and finance.

Mediavine is a great way to boost your blog profits. Whether you’re new to ads or moving from one ad network to Mediavine, you’ll see a difference in their service.

If you compare Mediavine vs Google Adsense or Mediavine vs Ezoic or other networks, many reviews I’ve seen always have Mediavine winning. While the ads served on your blog may look pretty similar from network to network, there’s just something different about Mediavine’s performance and users’ receptiveness to see Mediavine ads. 

If you meet the minimum traffic requirements, this is a highly recommended network to be on.

The minimum requirement to join is 50,000 monthly sessions.

Raptive (formerly AdThrive)


Raptive is a creator-first blog advertising platform that supports bloggers who have at least 100,000 monthly pageviews on their sites.

They’ve paid out billions to creators and bloggers, and they’re ranked in the top 7 media companies.

In the blogging community, it feels like Raptive is the end goal for many creators. It’s highly regarded and geared toward seasoned websites with high traffic levels.



Ezoic is a monetization option for creators with lower traffic levels than what’d be required for ad networks like Raptive and Mediavine.

It has no traffic requirements.

For smaller publishers, this is an option for making site revenue, complete with a streamlined ad management dashboard and tons of resources for creators to take advantage of, like:

  • Leap: Ezoic’s Leap helps improve website performance
  • Flickify: Turn articles into videos with Flickify
  • Humix: Humix provides video ads
  • NicheIQ: SEO tools to help with site health and site performance with NicheIQ
  • Analytics: Review your revenue stats, audience data, behavior, run ad experiments, and more.



Monumetric calls itself a full-service ad partner.

For the blogger wanting to make money, they offer a digital advertising option that preserves user experience.

So, you don’t have to worry about off-putting or pushy ads being shown to your audience.

They offer four tiers, available to publishers with a minimum website traffic of 10,000 monthly page views:

  • Propel: 10K to 80K pageviews/month
  • Ascend: 80K to 500K pageviews/month
  • Stratus: 500K to 10M pageviews/month
  • Apollo: 10M+ pageviews/month

You’ll fall into one of these levels based on your traffic.

What publishers like about Monumetric is the control you have over the ad space, ad units, and display ads shown on your site.

If you don’t want to work with a specific company for ads, you don’t have to. As a publisher-built ad network, they hold fellow publishers in high value.

Google Adsense

google adsense

Google Adsense is for ad placements on blogs and websites with lower traffic levels. There’s actually no minimum traffic requirement for Google Adsense.

So, if you’re running a new blog or a blog with under 10,000 monthly page views and need an advertising network to partner with, Google Adsense is an option.

You’ll like their streamlined, easy-to-navigate dashboard, which lets you view metrics like:

You can create the ad units you want to appear on your site, such as:

  • Display ad
  • Banner ad
  • Native advertising



Media.net is an ad tech company connecting advertisers with publishers, helping to maximize revenue in the online ad space.

They have plenty of ad options available for you to choose from:

  • Contextual ads
  • Display ads
  • Native ads
  • Marketplace advertising from direct advertisers and agencies, and
  • Programmatic ads

Media.net is a good advertising option for publishers with less traffic. This is a solid starting point for publishers with lower traffic levels. As their site traffic grows, the opportunity to join networks like Mediavine and Adthrive will be available. 



SHEMedia is a women-focused media company home to thousands of publishers, creators, and influencers in niches like:

  • Fashion
  • Beauty
  • Health
  • Parenting

Their ad management platform offers real-time data insights and contextual alignment that shows ads to the right targeted audience, leading to higher engagement rates.

Their ad tech stack includes a range of products to serve you well as a publisher:

shemedia ad tech stack



RevenueHits is an ad platform paying publishers for their website clicks! They promise an easy-to-use, quickstart process with no fees to start and features like:

  • Pay-per-click payment model
  • Real-time tracking
  • Smart matching algorithms showing relevant ads
  • Reporting


Infolinks uses contextual advertising based on the keywords in your content. They are the third-largest publisher marketplace, and users are happy to work with them for their:

  • Stable revenue options
  • Account management and,
  • Positive user experience

Their focus is on intent-based smart ads, which are high-performing and have high levels of web visitor engagement.

The other ad types available include:

  • Infold: Search and display ads above the fold
  • Intop: Above the masthead ads, viewable at all times while the user scrolls
  • Incube: 3D ad units designed for engagement, high views, and performance
  • Inarticle: This is a user-initiated expanding ad
  • Inframe: Display ads and banners

They’re home to hundreds of thousands of publishers, and the sign-up process is free.



PropellerAds will monetize your ad network for your blog in the dating, finance, and other niches!

They offer 5 core ad formats:

  • Popunder
  • Push
  • In-page push
  • Survey exit
  • Interstitial

Publishers rave about PropellerAds, calling them the best option for pop and push traffic. I like that you get a lot of ad options to choose from, giving you the control to decide how in-depth you want to take your ad campaign.

Why Use Blog Advertising on Your Blog?

Blog advertising networks help publishers make money blogging. There are many monetization options for bloggers:

  • Sponsored content
  • Social media brand deals
  • Online advertising, like banner ads and sidebar ads
  • Affiliate marketing

But blog ads are a passive income opportunity that are super easy to implement for your website.

Not to mention, ads can improve engagement on your site! 

Your site will attract potential advertisers, and you can monetize your ad space, earning income passively in the process.

As long as it doesn’t take away from the user’s experience and performs well for you, ad placement options through blog advertising are a solid option for increasing your site’s revenue.

Alternatives to Using a Blog Advertising Platform

Using a blog advertising platform like those in this list is not the only option. Many publishers choose to seek out advertisers themselves.

This includes:

  • Researching relevant advertisers to work with 
  • Crafting an introduction and pitch email and reaching out
  • Following up and negotiation
  • Contract preparation
  • Creating ad creatives and execution

It’s a multi-step process where you’ll handle every component, one-on-one with the advertisers, instead of outsourcing it to an ad manager, like you would with a blog advertising network.

Some publishers like this freedom and control to choose their advertising partners. It can also be more lucrative in some cases but also much more work and not a passive income channel at all.

Why Is Going With A Blog Advertising Platform Better?

The process I outlined above can be pretty painful in terms of the workload and stress. You’ll repeat the steps outlined above with dozens or hundreds of advertisers.

You have to hope your email message doesn’t get ignored or end up in the advertiser’s junk or spam folder. Or that you didn’t email the wrong person or department.

Even if you do contact the right person, every contact you make won’t reply to your message. And this can be very frustrating.

It’s a long process, and the reward may not pay off.

For example, you could spend 40/hour per week every week doing this research and outreach for advertising campaigns and land 2 advertisers that pay you $4,000 each for your 100K+ monthly traffic blog. But, at a $15 RPM, you could’ve earned $15,000 for the month passively instead of $8K doing cold outreach with advertisers.

As you can see, there are a lot of obstacles that can exist when contacting advertisers yourself, which is why I think most bloggers just tend to go with a blog ad platform.

It’s certainly an option you can explore but not without a lot of time and hassle.

How Much Money Can You Make From Blog Advertising?

The sky’s the limit, honestly!

Some publishers earn a full-time income from blog ads alone.

For example, a blog with one million pageviews per month may earn an ad revenue of $15,000/month, assuming a $15 RPM.



Here are some additional examples:

  • $436 ad revenue from this niche site
  • $371,000 from Google Adsense revenue 
  • $708 Google Adsense revenue from this food blogger

Working with a blog advertising platform is one of the many ways you can get ads on your website. You can also pitch advertisers directly and pursue other options to make money from blog advertising.

Bottom Line on Blog Advertising

You just read about 10 different blog advertising networks available to help you earn income for your blog. There are plenty of choices here, which you can see.

Review each ad network to decide which platform offers the best solution for you then, when you’re ready, pull the trigger and apply to be a publisher!

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