What is Breaths? How To Make 10000$/th With Breaths Project?

What is Breaths?

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Breaths is a global digital citizenship platform that empowers individuals to embrace a digitally enhanced and free lifestyle on the Internet.

Founded and operated by a group of “digital nomads” from Vietnam, Singapore, the UK, and the US, with over 10 years of experience in Digital Marketing & Blockchain, Breaths is created by and for the global digital citizen community, functioning under a DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) model.


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7 Core values

Breaths – Digital citizenship global platform brings 7 powerful digital transformation values, the community will get :
  • Learn and use digital platforms to build a free digital life
  • Participate in making money with digital platforms to start accumulating finance
  • Grow your own sustainable digital business on the internet
  • Expanded investment to increase assets through financial technology platform
  • Enjoy a free life through a network of entertainment facilities
  • Contribute to the DAOs Charitable Funds to help the community
  • Inheriting digital assets and digital heritage for relatives and the community

Mission & Vision

Breaths is the digital citizenship global platform help everyone have a powerful digital life transformation on the internet.
Mission : Empowering people the power of digital citizenship to build a happy and wealthy life.
Vision : Create new economy opportunity for all global digital citizenship.


Breaths builds a solid foundation of products in the ecosystem. The entire Breaths ecosystem is governed by the Breaths DAOs platform, decentralized autonomous organizations. The community will use Breaths Token to jointly decide the activities of the global digital citizenship platform.
Breaths Digital is a platform that provides digital products such as online courses and digital tools that equip newcomers with a solid foundation to start their journey to becoming a global digital citizen.
Breaths Network is a global decentralized digital business network on blockchain platform, connecting digital products (E-Course, Software, Ebook, Video, Gamesfi, NFT, Services) from suppliers to marketers Market with the world’s fastest commission payout via blockchain and Breaths Token cryptocurrency.
Breaths Token is a utility token used throughout the Breaths ecosystem managed by Breaths DAOs. With a maximum supply of 1,000,000,000 Breaths.
Breaths DAOs : The entire Breaths ecosystem is governed by DAOs, decentralized autonomous organizations. The community will use the Breaths Token to jointly make decisions on the activities of the Breaths global digital citizenship platform that are transparent and public on the DAOs platform.
Breaths Wallet is a decentralized (non-custodial) cryptocurrency wallet that allows global digital citizens to fully control their digital assets.
Breaths Dollar (USDB) is a USDT and USDC fully-secured stablecoin that aims to be a solution for cross-chain liquidity needs in DeFi.
Breaths World is a platform providing solutions for Digital Passport, Digital Visa, global digital settlement investment on Blockchain platform, through identification and authentication of digital citizen records, along with immigration history recorded on blockchain, something that traditional legal processes have encountered many obstacles.


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Phase 1 (4/2023 – 6/2023) : Launching Breaths Digital, building a global community of digital citizens of the first 10,000 users through the Affiliate Matrix program.
Phase 2 (6/2023 – 12/2023) : Launching Breaths Network, building a global community of digital citizens of 1 million users through the Affiliate Matrix model.
Phase 3 (12/2023 – 6/2024) : Issue Breaths Token, Listing DEX, reward Breaths Token to build a global community of digital citizens of 2 million users.
Phase 4 (6/2024 – 12/2024) : Launch of Breaths DAOs, Listing CEX, reward Breaths Token to build a global community of digital citizens of 5 million users.
Phase 5 (12/2024 – 6/2025) : Launching Breaths Wallet with entertainment facilities, Staking, liquidity mining, building a global community of 10 million digital citizens.
Phase 6 (6/2025 – 12/2025) : Launch of Breaths Dollar (USDB), build a global community of 15 million digital citizens.
Phase 7 (12/2025 – 6/2026) : Launching Breaths World, building a global community of digital citizens of 30 million users.

Business Models

Breaths pursues a long-term mission of “Empowering people with the power of digital citizenship to build a life of freedom”. We have a strong desire to realize the vision “Creating a new economy that is just and humane for all global digital citizens”.
Breaths revenue will come from the following components :
  • Revenue from transaction fees for the purchase of digital products with Onetime Payment and Recurring Payment on the Breaths Digital digital platform.
  • Revenue from membership fees is digital product providers (Merchant) and online marketers (Affiliate) on the Breaths Network platform.
  • Revenue from P2P transaction fees, fiat deposit/withdrawal fees, crypto deposit/withdrawal fees.


Marketing : 25% will be used for Breaths project marketing activities.
DApps (Decentralized Applications) : 25% will be used to develop Dapps applications and Breaths platform.
Liquidity : 25% is used for liquidity.
Insurance : 10% is used for insurance and contingency funds.
Operations : 15% is used to operate the project development.


To fulfill the mission “Empowering people with the power of digital citizenship to build a sustainable life of freedom”. On May 20, 2023, we came to the decision to establish a global enterprise “Breaths Global” instead of just a global community of digital citizens at first.
Breaths is in the process of waiting to complete the issuance of a business license from the UK government in July 2023. (Please update license information here).
This license will enable Breaths to provide digital products trading and crypto asset trading, custody services, digital asset storage wallets and portfolio management to global digital citizens. required under the supervision of regulatory authorities in the UK.
We believe that doing business legally and ethically will be a solid foundation for Breaths to develop a sustainable global digital citizenship platform. Thereby leaving a strong lasting digital legacy for the society.

Breaths Digital

Breaths Digital is a platform that provides digital products such as online courses and digital tools that equip newcomers with a solid foundation to start their journey to becoming a global digital citizen.
Breaths Digital currently has more than 200 international quality online courses for digital citizens and more than 10 high-performance digital tools to help a newbie enter the digital world easily and effectively.

Breaths Network

Breaths Network is a global decentralized digital business network on blockchain platform, connecting digital products (E-Course, Software, Ebook, Video, Gamesfi, NFT, Services) from suppliers to marketers Market with the world’s fastest commission payout via blockchain and Breaths Token.
Breaths Network will be the world’s first and only Marketplace platform that provides the world’s first and only digital products with the fastest instant commission payments to marketers.
Breaths Network will be a bridge to the global digital economy, new economic opportunities for the community of digital citizens around the world.
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Breaths Token

Breaths Token is a utility token used throughout the Breaths ecosystem managed by Breaths DAOs. With a maximum supply of 1,000,000,000 Breaths.
Currently, the Breaths smart contract is not audited. So the community should consider carefully before learning. Currently, Breaths is not open to sell and call for investment to buy Breaths Token, this project is funded by financial donations from the global community of digital citizens.
Breaths has scheduled an audit by Certik in 2024 before officially rolling out on blockchain networks. Specific information as below :
  • Name: BREATHS
  • Sympol : BREATHS
  • Decimal : 18
  • Total Supply : 1,000,000,000 BREATHS
  • Address : 0x61669e03be559bda9ea4f3b017a5f0fb8f7f4462

Breaths DAOs

Breaths DAOs : The entire Breaths ecosystem is governed by DAOs, decentralized autonomous organizations. Breaths is created by the community and empowers the community through DAOs organizations.
DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) is a decentralized autonomous organization. Unlike traditional organizations (like Facebook, Google,…), by applying code-coded rules, they can operate independently without human intervention.
The community will use Breaths Token to jointly decide the activities of the Breaths global digital citizenship platform to be transparent and public on the DAOs platform.
Breaths DAOs Included :
  • Breaths Capital : A decentralized autonomous open-ended investment fund that connects global digital citizens in Breaths with potential technology projects. Easy to invest with a small amount of capital to increase digital assets.
  • Breaths Foundation : Decentralized autonomous nonprofit organization that supports community social projects. Breaths global community of digital citizens easily participates in sharing activities.

Breaths Wallet

Breaths Wallet is a decentralized (non-custodial) cryptocurrency wallet that allows global digital citizens to fully control their assets.
It is possible to send and store various types/tokens quickly and conveniently on Breaths Wallet. Transaction speed and gas fees are optimized to provide the best trading experience for all global digital citizens.

Breaths Dollar

Breaths Dollar (USDB) is a USDT and USDC fully-secured stablecoin that aims to be a solution for cross-chain liquidity needs in DeFi.
Breaths builds a strong foundation of products to use for USDB in the Breaths ecosystem. First, USDB is the default transaction method for all digital products in the Breaths Network. USDB vision will connect with other DeFi ecosystems in the multi-chain world.

Breaths World

Breaths World is a platform providing solutions for Digital Passport, Digital Visa, global digital settlement investment on Blockchain platform, through identification and authentication of digital citizen records, along with immigration history recorded on blockchain, something that traditional legal processes have encountered many obstacles.
Breaths World makes it easier for digital citizens to travel, live, work and invest in other countries more efficiently and safely.


Breaths is a global digital citizenship platform that provides an ecosystem of digital platforms that support people to strongly digitally transform their free lives.
3 simple steps to help a new person become a global digital citizen to live and work anywhere, anytime.
  • Step 2 : Start learning and applying digital tools to start the journey to become a global digital citizen.
  • Step 3 : Share your own experience to the community to start enjoying a free life with the ecosystem of Breaths digital platforms.


  • Breaths deploys a partner program through the Affiliate Matrix model to help users own their own automatic digital business system on the Internet.
  • Click here to join a free webinar that shares details about the Affiliate Matrix program.


  1. What is global digital citizenship ?
According to Wikipedia : A digital citizen is someone who has the knowledge and skills to use technology to connect and participate in social, business and political activities on a digital platform. Digital citizenship is a component of global citizens, they need to be responsible and ethical with their behavior on digital platforms and use technology to promote global community connection and share together. information.
Currently, governments have been implementing activities to promote national digital transformation, in which focusing on helping citizens improve their understanding of digital citizenship is one of the top priorities.
   2. What is the Breathsian concept?
Breathsian is the new standard of global digital citizenship being pursued and developed by Breaths inspired by the concept of Digital Nomad. Towards digital citizens with true freedom, a happy and prosperous life.
  3. What products does Breaths sell ?
Breaths sells digital products through the Breaths Digital platform.
Breaths Digital is a platform that provides digital products such as online courses and digital tools that equip newcomers with a solid foundation to start their journey to becoming a global digital citizen.
Breaths Digital currently has more than 200 international quality online courses for digital citizens and more than 10 high-performance digital tools to help a newbie enter the digital world easily and effectively.
4. Is it possible to sign up for a free Breaths account ?
Yes ! Users can sign up for a free account to start accessing digital products for Pro Founder members.
5. Does Breaths offer paid membership packages ?
Besides the free membership package Pro Founder. Breaths offers a one-time 80 USDT Co Founder membership. Get access to digital products, unlock the partner program, and join the Breaths ecosystem.
6. How to deposit and withdraw USDT ?
Users can deposit and withdraw USDT in Breaths Wallet using USDT following the video instructions here.
Make sure to install Google Authy 2-layer security to ensure the security of your wallet. All deposit and withdrawal transactions on the system need to pass a security code. Do not share this code with anyone.
7. How to access digital products ?
As soon as the account is activated. Users can access digital products such as online courses and digital tools at Menu Digital Store.
If access is not possible, please chat with support to unlock access.
8. What is Breaths Dollar (USDB) ?
Currently USDB (Breaths USD) is the cryptocurrency used to activate digital products in the Breaths platform. 1 USDB = 1 USD
The long-term vision according to the development roadmap is that USDB will become a stablecoin fully backed by USDT and USDC aims to become a solution to meet the needs of cross-chain liquidity in DeFi.
Breaths builds a strong foundation of products to use for USDB in the Breaths ecosystem. First, USDB is the default transaction method for all digital products in the Breaths Network. USDB vision will connect with other DeFi ecosystems in the multi-chain world.
9. Can’t login to the platform ?
In case of logging into the platform, the system will say that the login failed due to the wrong username or password. Click “Fortgot Password – Forgot Password” to request a new password.
If you need help, chat with the support team.
10. How to get support ?
Users can chat directly with the team in the community support group or email contact@breaths.io for support. The number of support requests is often high, so our goal is to respond within 1-3 hours or earlier to provide the best user support.