Kajabi Review: The Best Online Learning Management System

Kajabi Review


Kajabi online learning system is a membership site builder perfect for anyone that desires to build a thriving business through the selling of online courses.

Have you heard about the popular Learning Management System called Kajabi? If not then pay attention because, in this Kajabi Review, I will be sharing with you everything you need to know about this incredible tool and why you should start using it immediately if you’re not already doing that.

Let’s get started!

Who else have noticed the trend on the internet? “Creating online courses seems to be the order of the day lately”. It is now the next big thing on the internet, and if you don’t have your own course out there now, you’re missing something. Well, that’s just what I think.

Suddenly, every Jack and Jill wants to teach people something they know or create a product they can sell to their target audience, whether in an eBook format or an eCourse.

Kajabi Review

Whatever it is you are trying to do, you will need a tool – Learning Management System – to do that effectively.

This is where I will begin to tell you about an excellent tool I recently discovered that is robust perhaps than every other tool that does the exact thing….. “help you create an online course.”

The Learning Management System (LMS) am talking about is none other than Kajabi.

Kajabi Review: What is This Tool All About?

Well, this was the first question I had to ask myself and Google when I first heard about it and how powerful it is. I wasn’t going to take my friend’s word for it, so I had to do my own research.

What I stumbled on about Kajabi really humbled me, and I thought it was necessary I write this review about them.

Back to the question; what is Kajabi?

Kajabi is simply a platform that is geared towards helping you build a successful online course and at the same time sell your product effectively over a website their machine will help you create.

However, Yaro Starak of Yaro.Blog gave a really brilliant definition of Kajabi, and I felt it was okay to share that with you.

He said:

“Kajabi is a hosted platform for marketing, selling and delivering information products online. It provides a platform for hosting contents like videos, audios and text documents, which are delivered using some proven templates, such as the video squeeze page and sales page for marketing the content, and a membership community area for delivering the actual product.”

That said. What you should know is that you don’t have to stand in front of a room to teach a course or follow a strict schedule to create a course that you envisage will make you become a successful internet marketer. No! All you simply need is a brilliant idea, a step by step tips you want to teach your wards, and a system in which to showcase your offer/course. And trust me everything you need to make your course go LIVE and be successful is locked behind Kajabi’s backend, that is, LMS.

What do I need to get my eCourse on Kajabi?

First, you need to know what you want to sell as a course. Is it an eBook, a video course, an audio course, software?

What exactly do you want to sell?

So if I was going to create a course, I have to first of all map out the name of the course, the ideal client, the struggles my client is currently facing and what they dream of achieving. Now present your online course to them with these things in view.

When you have those things in place, you can now talk about loading them up on Kajabi’s Learning Management System which is responsible for showing your courses to your ideal clients/students, thereby making you grow your earnings over 100%+.

I was stunned when I saw this…

All about Kajabi

Yes, I was stunned when I stumbled on what a particular lady said about Kajabi. While researching this post, I came across this blog and the blog author, Tamsen Horton said this about Kajabi:

Now, that’s to tell you how lovely Kajabi is and how it can transform your life, business and how you serve your ideal clients and students.

Okay, let’s go over some of my other findings of the New Kajabi Learning Management System.

online learning system


Figure 1: Home Page

One thing I love about Kajabi is the simple design of their website. It’s a site that is very straightforward and easy to use. They sure have their users in mind. They had you in mind while building this platform. Trust me!

reviews of kajabi online learning system


Figure 2: The tools you need to build your online course

The success of your online course most times depends on the tool you’ve got at your disposal, and that’s why I feel Andy Jenkins and his team did an excellent job in integrating this complete tool in their system just for your sake.

kajabi university


Figure 3: Marketing made easy

A product’s success is determined by the quality of its marketing. You don’t get a best-selling book by merely showing it on your blog and on your Facebook timeline. You do a viral marketing, which includes email marketing to achieve such enviable feats.

welcome to new kajabi


Figure 4: In-built Website

Kajabi allows you the opportunity to run your business in one place without having to get a virtual assistant to do other tasks for you, like creating a website or maybe visiting another dashboard to publish a blurb about your course. No! You get to run and choose a beautiful template to showcase your brand and products.

Using Kajabi


Figure 5: Easy payment access

One of the problems people have, especially those from my side of the world is the ability to process payment straight into their local accounts. That’s pretty harsh and is not logical if you want to run a successful online business. Kajabi again gets you covered in this area by providing an in-built payment gateway as you almost immediately begin selling your product on the first day of going live.

kajabi membership site builder


Figure 6: Amazing analytics system

Metrics are important to keep track of what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong. Isn’t it why we have
Google Analytics to help us check where we are getting traffics; which country and what exactly people are searching for are the things to keep tab with. Andy Jenkins and his team, being successful marketers themselves once again did a perfect job by keeping you in the know of how your business is doing with robust analytics and reporting.

Andy Jenkins and his team, being successful marketers themselves once again did a perfect job by keeping you in the know of how your business is doing with robust analytics and reporting.

how to use kajabi


Figure 7: Ability to customize your offer

Some people are born coders. They just find it sheer joy, unlike me, to write codes and make their own personalized settings. If you are in this category of people, you can flex your coding muscles by deciding to code your own website’s look and fill.

why choose kajabi


Figure 8: Endless integrations

Third party systems like Mailchimp, Benchmark and their likes are a great way to collect emails of your prospective clients and students. So it just makes sense to have such integrations available within the dashboard of Kajabi.

why i like kajabi


Figure 9: Powerful testimonials

Testimonials are an excellent way to showcase and prove to people that you are a BIG DEAL and several successful folks gave their positive remarks about the New Kajabi platform. You can visit their website to read and watch the video testimonials.

kajabi online learning system


Figure 10: Kajabi University

There are many times I have had to buy products I don’t have a hang of using let alone be able to achieve any mouthwatering results from using them, not kajabi. Again, they got you covered by creating some sort of university system where you can get educated on how to sell and profit from online courses. The good thing is that this is absolutely FREE for you!

review of kajabi


Figure 11: Incredible Customer support

Those people who know me too well will quickly attest to the fact that I am a fan of customer support systems. In fact, why I favor a product over another is usually because of customer support. And I am convinced am not the only one who thinks and act this way. Kajabi has a highly supportive platform and guys who are committed to helping you succeed online with your eCourses.

Are you CONVINCED yet about FLYING with New Kajabi?

Perhaps you should spend time to Watch the New Kajabi’s Official Video here.

Kajabi Features

  • Create online courses with text, audio, and video and sell them online
  • Build a customized website to showcase your products and drive sales
  • Send marketing emails to customers, and drip course content over a schedule to keep students engaged
  • Build a community with discussions inside courses
  • Use Stripe-powered payments for one-time, multiple payment, or subscription, or offer free courses
  • Add affiliate marketing to grow your audience

Kajabi’s Feature Page

Kajabi Pricing

  • $129/month Basic plan for 5 products, 1k marketing emails per month, and 1k active members
  • $389/month Pro plan for 100 products, 40k marketing emails per month, 100k active members, affiliate program, custom branding, and integrations
  • $899/month Premium plan for unlimited products, 100k marketing emails per month, unlimited active members, and full features

Payment processing fees from Stripe not included; 20% lower prices with annual plans.

Kajabi’s Pricing Page

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Wrapping Up the Kajabi Review

So this is my very honest review of the New Kajabi Learning Management System, and I really feel if you have the budget for it, you’d enjoy selling your products efficiently and earn hugely.

Would you like to visit Kajabi’s website and learn more about them? Please use this link.

I should also let you know that Kajabi is the best if you are looking to create a really great course to sell or just a simple product you want to giveaway to your loyal blog readers.

Please be sure to help share this with your friends, and yes, I’d love to read your thoughts about this Kajabi’s review. Thanks for your reading and sharing!

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